Monday, January 6, 2014

BCCC wants your input

The BC Cycling Coalition today announced the launch of a new campaign to help cyclists in the province to participate in the provincial government's Rural Highway Safety and Speed Review. Please take a few minutes to read the BCCC Press Release below and hopefully you will add your voice to BCCC's push to make cycling safer in our province. 

An Open House for the Review will be held in Nanaimo on Wednesday, January 15 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Coast Bastion Inn, 11 Bastion Street


Today we launched a new campaign site to help you participate in the ongoing Highway Safety and Speed Review.

If you believe, like we do, that safer highways are highways that accommodate all road users, I strongly encourage you to take the time to participate in the ongoing review by:
  1.     endorsing our Position Statement,
  2.     completing the Ministry's online survey,
  3.     attending an Open House.
You can read and endorse our Position Statement at our new campaign website. There is also lots of information about other ways that you can become involved with the review.

The British Columbia Cycling Coalition has strong concerns about traffic speeds on British Columbia’s roads and in particular their effect on the safety and comfort of people cycling.  We strongly recommend that the Province take advantage of the Safety and Speed Review to ensure that cycling facilities on highways meet or exceed the standards for the actual speed of vehicles.

With the Rural Highway Safety and Speed Review underway there has never been a better time to demonstrate that better cycling across BC is possible. There are many ways that you can get involved with the review and help ensure that cycling is recognized as a viable and important form of transportation.

On behalf of the BC Cycling Coalition,

Visit the Campaign Site

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