Saturday, March 15, 2014

You are Invited

The Board of the Oceanside Cycling Coalition would like to invite you to join us on the OCC Board. A member of the BC Cycling Coalition, we are a BC-registered Non-Profit Society. We are a small but enthusiastic group of local cyclists who have worked hard to promote our Mission Statement – To Promote Safe Cycling for everyone in the Oceanside area.

Among the accomplishments we have:

1.      Worked closely with local and regional governments to improve cycling routes. These include signage installed on the PQB Links 13 km route between Parksville and Qualicum Beach.  
2.      Worked with local Tourism groups to promote maps and information on local cycling routes. This includes 15,000 copies of the Oceanside Tourism Maps which are distributed for free locally through the Parksville and Qualicum Beach Visitor Centres as well as many local businesses.
3.      Sponsored Bike To Work Week which included community rides with the Mayors of Parksville and Qualicum Beach.
4.      Provided safe, secure Bicycle Lockups at local community events including Qualicum Beach Family Days and Canada Day festivities at the Parksville Community Park

Exciting upcoming projects include:

1.  Working with local and regional governments on local cycling initiatives including the recently announced 10 km of the E&N Regional Trail which will connect the City of Parksville with Coombs and with French Creek and
2.   Working cooperatively with other BC Cycling Coalition - affiliated groups on Vancouver Island to promote initiatives including Safe Cycling courses, Cycle Tourism and lobbying the Provincial Government to promote safe cycling and cycling education.

Cyclists of all ages benefit from these initiatives. We hope that you will want to get involved with the Oceanside Cycling Coalition. We are looking for people interested in serving on the Board as: 

1. Secretary and
2. Treasurer and Membership Coordinator 

To get involved you are invited to attend the OCC Board Meeting which will be held at: 

Parksville Pharmasave Seminar Room
281 East Island Highway
Tuesday, March 18
7:00 p.m. 

If you are interested in getting involved, please send a reply e-mail to:
Thank you

Jim Swanson
Oceanside Cycling Coalition

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